Submission Number: 26689
Submission ID: 96966
Submission UUID: de4e857e-0b46-4cd8-bf0f-18c27a5be6af

Created: Tue, 07/09/2024 - 19:14
Completed: Tue, 07/09/2024 - 19:14
Changed: Mon, 07/15/2024 - 13:33

Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: laurie.hanrahan
Language: English

Is draft: No

Locked: Yes
Education Department
Dr. Maisha Winn
Nonexclusionary Discipline Support with Dr. Maisha Winn
Dr. Maisha Winn was contracted to speak to both the nonexclusionary discipline cohorts (2 in total with close to 100 participants from across the state) as well as to lead a retreat for the Office of Equity and Engagement
Project Duration
Wed, 11/29/2023 - 00:00
Sun, 06/30/2024 - 00:00
Sun, 06/30/2024 - 00:00
Contract Amounts
Dr. Winn is the proprietary owner, developer, and publisher of the book, “Justice on Both Sides” which discusses the restorative 5 Pedagogical Stances (5PS). The course content includes a live lecture and handouts. This professional development is directly aligned with the outcome of the Non-Exclusionary Discipline Grant of 2022. While many companies can provide professional development via workshops, the proprietary content cannot be duplicated by an outside company. One of the clarifications required for the grant that was sent and mentioned to grantees was that we would be using Dr. Winn’s 5 Pedagogical Stances. Our framework for the scope of our work with grantees was based on using Dr. Winn’s teachings and book, “Justice on Both Sides”. Participants were all issued a copy of this book as part of their grant work. Coaching sessions and all content to this point have been based on the content from Dr. Winn’s work.
Per the grant parameters, participants could choose to engage in several ways of implementing nonexclusionary discipline. However, the focus of the grant has always been shifting the adult mindset which is different than just discussing restorative practices, it requires the review of the paradigm shift needed in the adults working with students. This can be proven based on the requirements for paying out funds, all money used in the grant must be used to support adults. In turn, Dr. Winn’s work not only focuses on a restorative way of being but her book has walked participants through how to review their own experience with the five pedagogical stances
Both the professional development for grantees and MDE will be in person for a full day of learning (6-8 hours) with personalized.
Kortney Hill
Dr. Winn was the epitome of professionalism when it came to the timeliness of her work. Not only did she meet regularly with our team to review content, but she provided deliverables in a timely manner which allowed us to make sure they were ready for our participants. Dr. Winn also was on time for each meeting/presentation.
Dr. Winn is an esteemed academic scholar in high education and a published author. Her content was top quality and served the needs of each group in an effective manner. Dr. Winn even piloted new content which was such a pleasure for the participants to engage in.
Dr. Winn is world-renowned, so I anticipated a higher price. It was steep but the total included all of her own travel, hotel/lodging, and transportation.
The overall performance was stellar. Dr. Winn presents content across the globe and her enthusiasm and passion for her content was just as elevated as we’d seen her present in much larger settings.
5 - very satisfied